Hi guys, and welcome back to another edition of The Hockey Writers Ink with myself and Steel as your host. In this Podcast we will discuss a group of ideas or a Blueprint if you will for the Flyers to follow this off season. 

In the first segment of the show, we discussed my latest article:

I named a couple of different options that the Flyers could try to obtain who might offer the team a little more piece of mind next season incase Hart can’t return to form right away. To go along with that these players mentioned could wake up Carter by bringing a real sense of competition. More so than a 37-year-old veteran (Elliott) could next season. 

In the second segment of the show, we decided to continue on with the blueprint for next season, but this time take a look at the defense. 

Where in this article that I wrote earlier on in the week presented three possible veteran defenseman whom the Flyers could choose from who could come in via free agency in the off season and offer the team a sense of stability on the back end, and leadership moving forward. 

Philadelphia is obviously not where they want to be, and in order to get them back on the right path they will need to make some serious changes to the lineup next season. These players that myself and Steel go over are just a few options who could drastically improve this team, and at least are deserving of a phone call from Chuck Fletcher this off season. 

So, if this has your mind racing on whom they might be, come click the link provided below to make your own determination of who would best fit into the Flyers fold next season.  

1 thought on “The Hockey Writers Ink: A Blueprint For The Flyers; Better, Faster, Stronger!!

  1. Thank God someone said that Provorov is playing too much and shouldn’t be on the first unit PP.

    He’s not a PPQB, never has been and never will be and for a guy that doesn’t play a physical game at all, he sure does wear down towards the end of the season.

    We’ve seen this now since his rookie year. When will the Flyers learn? He’s not a #1, not even close.

    He’s a 3-4 on a defensively good team. The real problem with Provorov is that his offensive production isn’t nearly enough to make up for his defensive deficiencies which are myriad.

    The Flyers organization thinks he’s Paul Coffey, of course.

    What nitwits. This is just one of many questions as to what the Flyers, as an organization are looking at.

    Why do total BUMS like Hagg, Braun, and Myers play ahead of Samuel Morin?

    What are the Flyers looking at? It’s completely mind boggling and turns all logic on it’s head.

    The Flyers answer as an organization, after witnessing the total and complete ineptitude of these retards for multiple seasons now was………..waive Ghost.

    It’s absolutely lunacy. What a HORRIBLE organization. This franchise has become a joke. With decisions like these, is it any wonder why?

    There needs to be a clear accounting of responsibility at some point. A day of reckoning.

    There’s no leadership on this team. At all. Giroux’s career is one of total failure. His stan’s (look the word up if you don’t know it’s meaning) will tell you he’s an all-time Flyer.

    Imagine that. A player who has never won a thing, not individually or teamwise, has most of the fan base convinced that he’s one of their franchises all-time greatest players.

    Can you believe it? Meanwhile he’s going to be sitting at home come playoff time (again) watching another team win the Cup.

    Not only is Giroux a total failure as a player, he’s an abomination as a captain and leader as well.

    The fact that this team has no leadership which falls directly on his shoulders, will of course, be either completely dismissed by his stans, or they will choose to bury their heads in the sand and not acknowledge it at all.

    As far as I’m concerned, Giroux can take a long walk off a short cliff.

    He can take Voracek with him too.

    This organization needs a change of the captaincy, a change of organizational thinking, and a change in players.

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