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Episode 07: Believing In Yourself & Mental Resiliency with Jim Jackson

Always Level Up: A show about overcoming failure, perseverance, and sports. All successful people overcome failure. Athletes, celebrities, and the common person all deal with the rollercoaster of up and downs in their lives. Always level Up is an attempt to to highlight that element of life. To show that the successful, talented, and famous people, are simply human.

Jim Jackson is the voice of the Philadelphia Flyers. If you watched the Flyers at all over the past 30 years, you know his tone. Iconic to the city of Philly, Jim fills in the narrative of some of the greatest moments in Philadelphia sports history and he is responsible for calling some of the greatest hockey moments of Philly’s history as well. Outside of his current status with the organization, Jim, worked hard to get where he is, but might of not had the typical road that is assumed from a man in his status. From a small town outside of Utica that only had graduating class of 72 students, Jim didn’t see himself as making such a large impact outside of his local area, but he was always determined to chase his dream and level up in the process.

Throughout the early portions of his career he had to deal with doubt, as he didn’t always have the support around him to push him to the next level. Outside of his father’s confidence in him, Jim had to consistently run a retrospective on his own career and ask himself important questions on what he was capable of and where he wanted to go. At the time he was going down a road less traveled and it would have been easy for him to look for a more practical path that was available to most young men with a good college degree. However, he choose to look where there is no predefined path and leave his own trail.

Now Jim is running his own broadcasting coaching camps on the side where he teaches and mentors other prospective broadcasters, radio hosts, podcasters, and public speakers to pass down the lessons he has learned himself. An intelligent man with a lot of determination and information to pass down Jim Jackson, does not only provide a voice for the team, but provides a voice in our heads for some of life’s biggest moments. Check out Jim Jackson’s Broadcast Coaching Camps for more info on how to get guidance from him. And remember to always level up. Like and subscribe for more content like this.

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