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Episode 03: Recovery, Wellness, & Being Present w/ Riley Cote

Always Level Up: A show about overcoming failure, perseverance, and sports. All successful people overcome failure. Athletes, celebrities, and the common person all deal with the rollercoaster of up and downs in their lives. Always level Up is an attempt to to highlight that element of life. To show that the successful, talented, and famous people, are simply human.

Riley Cote is a perfect example of a person with a growth mindset. Ever since his younger days, Riley has always felt a strong need to compete and challenge himself in various ways mentally and physically. As a young athlete he tailored his skillset to make sure he would play pro hockey by any means necessary. Whether he was aware of it or not he has found that pattern of behavior driving a lot of the motivations in his life. From playing in the AHL, to making the NHL, to being a Coach, to starting the Hemp Heals Foundation, and most recently starting his CBD supplement brand Bodychek Wellness. No matter the time in his life, Riley has always found his own way of finding success.

While his ways can be seen as unconventional, it has always impressed the successful people around him. He consistently says that former Flyers President and General Manager Paul Holmgren as, well as his former Flyers coach John Stevens are “his biggest fans”. I would say true leadership recognizes leadership. Riley is a great example of the attitude “if you build it, they will come” and in using that attitude, he has found a way to make his personal goals come true. He reminds me of a quote by the late philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson: “Do not go where the path may lead, but go where there is no path and leave a trail.” Cote has already left a permanent mark on the world and I have a feeling he’s only just getting started.

Check out Rile Cote’s Bodychek Wellness site.

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