Just as the Flyers looked like they were returning to their long-awaited rightful spot atop the Eastern Conference standings, here comes the Coronavirus (COVID-19). Who knows just how long this sudden halt to play will last, but it just may be beneficial for the Flyers. This unexpected time off will allow Nolan Patrick, Philippe Myers, James Van Riemsdyk, and Nate Thompson all time to get healthy. Before the break the rosters currently showed that the Flyers, although set to make the Stanley Cup playoffs, were
still a piece or two away from being on the level of both the Boston Bruins and the Tampa Bay Lightning.

With that being said, now maybe as good of a time as any to take a look at how the roster may shape up at the start of next season. Looking at last season’s Restricted Free Agent (RFA’s) signings of both All-Star Winger Travis Konecny for $5.5 Million a year, and (the future James Norris Memorial Trophy winner) Defenseman Ivan Provorov for $6.75 Million a year. Flyers General Manager Chuck Fletcher has proved that he can manage a budget and retain his star players. Now that the end of the season is approaching, with it comes a lengthy list of Unrestricted and Restricted Free Agents for the Flyers. Fletcher may just need to take this break to head to Las Vegas (better book that flight quick before all the planes are grounded!), and study up with Penn and Teller on how to be a Magician.

Unrestricted Free Agents
Brian Elliott G $2 million
Justin Braun D $3.8 million
Tyler Pitlick RW $1 million
Derek Grant C $700,000

Restricted Free Agents
Oskar Lindblom LW $925,000
Nolan Patrick C $925,000
Nicolas Aube-Kubel RW $700,000
Robert Hagg D $1.15 million
Philippe Myers D $678,000

In order to retain the players whom Chuck deems a necessity, he may need to trim the fat. One of those that may need to depart is goaltender Brian Elliott. Now, Elliott has played well this season and has accepted his role here behind Carter Hart. However, Elliott will be 35 years old next year, and with Carter Hart suddenly proving he can take the brunt of the load, that 2-million-dollar salary may be better used elsewhere. Fletcher will probably look to add a veteran backup yet again seeing as how none of the other goaltending prospects will be ready for the NHL just yet. Some UFAs that might fill Elliott’s spot would be 30-year-old Anton Khudobin from the Dallas Stars. He may be out of the Flyers price range but is probably no longer needed by Dallas (seeing that they have Jake Oettinger (the Boston University standout star) waiting in the wings for his shot). Long-time backup 31-year-old goaltender Aaron Dell from the San Jose Sharks maybe an option, as well.

Another name that might end up being an expensive rental for just this year is defenseman Justin Braun. Chuck was wise to pull off this trade for the wisely veteran who has only helped mold the young defensive core- especially Robert Hagg- into a staple on the Flyers Blueline. The Flyers may just not need then 33-year-old Justin Braun’s services next year though, with seeing the lengthy list of Flyers defensive prospects coming up the pipeline. Whether it be newly signed defensive prospect Wyatte Wylie from the WHL’s Everett Silvertips, Yegor Zamula from the Calgary Hitmen, or University of Wisconsin’s Wyatt Kalynuk (If he signs), all have shown that they are ready to make the jump to the pro level next year. Braun’s $3.8 million salary may also be used elsewhere to help better this team next year.

Newly acquired Nate Thompson, who is 35-years-old, has filled a role that the Flyers have lacked in their lineup for some time. But, with an expiring contract of $1 million dollars- and his age- the Flyers might be better suited to find a younger replacement for this NHL journeyman. This is one area that the team may have to overpay for some true protection for its star players. Las Vegas Golden Knights Ryan Reaves is an UFA at the end of this season, a fan favorite, and a great locker room guy. Not to mention he is well feared, probably the best in the league at his craft, and would be a great addition to the Broad Street Bullies.

Other ways to cut salary in the off-season may come via trade. Some players
who are currently signed for next season and beyond that Fletcher may look to move are defenseman Shayne Gostisbehere and Wingers James Van Riemsdyk and Michael Raffl. Gostisbehere just doesn’t seem to fit into Coach Alain Vigneault’s plans for the team moving forward. Gostisbehere is currently the team’s 7th  defenseman, and making $4.5 million a year. JVR is another that may be shopped this off season. The Flyers signed him to a long-term contract at $7 million a year before Chuck, and then Alain came along. He too has spent his fair share of time in coach Vigneault’s doghouse. Lastly, winger Michael Raffl and his $1.6 million a year contract may look to be shopped; Not because of bad play, but because the Flyers have much depth that could fill his role on the 4th line for half the price.

Looking now to the players that Fletcher could and should retain this off season. Robert Hagg will probably require the team to double his salary of just $1.15 million. Beings that he lays massive hits, blocks shots, and kills penalties, the team can’t afford to lose him. The versatile Tyler Pitlick has certainly shown that he can play up and down the lineup when needed in any role where Coach AV needs him. Pitlick too will force the teams hand and be worthy of quite the raise from his $1 million salary this year. Nicolas Aube-Kubel is another Flyer whose play has risen this year. Because of this, he not only deserves a spot on the Flyers full-time next year, but also a healthy raise from his $700K a year. Defenseman Philippe Myers has developed into a top-four NHL defenseman this year and will require a significant raise from his current salary of $678K that he received as an undrafted free agent.

The toughest decisions will be what to do with, and how much to offer Oskar Lindblom and Nolan Patrick, both of whom are RFA’s at season’s end. Oskar, at one point this season, lead the team in goals before coming down with the very aggressive Ewing sarcoma (a rare bone cancer). Lindblom has received great support from both the team and the league as a whole, but the fact remains that this young 23-year-old may never play the game he so loves again and has left a huge hole in the lineup. The team should offer him a one-year, two-way contract next season in case he does make a miraculous come back and can then prove that he has returned to the player he once was. In that same boat is former number two overall pick Nolan Patrick. Patrick has been out all season with chronic migraines. This talented 21-year-old has immense trouble staying off the injury reserve list (IR) dating back to his Junior career. Man would the Flyers like to see the talented young center be able to stay healthy and develop into the player they know he could be, but his health remains a question. So, the team should give him a one year $1 million dollar contract for a chance to prove to them that he can stay healthy for a full season before inking him for any substantial raise and length of time. With that, the question still then remains what to do with UFA Center (and replacement for the injured Nolan Patrick) Derek Grant? Since being acquired at the deadline from the Anaheim Ducks, Grant has been on fire. Slotting into the lineup seamlessly since game one with the team, it will be hard to let Derek (and his 15 goals on the season) walk at the year’s end with just the hope that Patrick can stay healthy. Signing Grant back may be tough to do as well: Because of his play this season he will have a lot of NHL GMs calling up his agent and requesting his services with an open checkbook.

Needless to say, Chuck Fletcher has a very long summer ahead of him. There are a few things that will help the Flyers GM in the coming months, though: Like the projected cap ceiling raising from its current $81.5 million dollars to possibly $84-$88.2 million giving Chuck substantially more money to work with. Plus, the retained salary of just over 1 million dollars coming off the books for defenseman Radko Gudas. If any of these current Flyers decide to depart to play elsewhere, Fletcher might look to sign Center Erik Haula from the Florida Panthers who is an UFA, or Winger Jasper Fast who played this season for the New York Rangers. Both of whom would be solid back-up plans and obtainable additions to the current Flyers roster. Whatever Fletcher and his inner circle decide to do in the off-season to better the team, should be interesting to say the least.