Episode 05: Making Your Own Path, True Grit, & Esports w/ John Fazio
Always Level Up: A show about overcoming failure, perseverance, and sports. All successful people overcome failure. Athletes, celebrities, and the common person all deal with the rollercoaster of up and downs in their lives. Always level Up is an attempt to to highlight that element of life. To show that the successful, talented, and famous people, are simply human.
John Fazio grew up a hometown athlete in the greater Philadelphia area. A former D1 Soccer player at Drexel University, John grew up playing every sport under the sun. He perfectly embodies a competitors mindset. Driven by a growth attitude and an immunity to failure, John has always shown the courage to push himself to be extremely uncomfortable. With a fear of complacency, rather than failure, John continued to push himself through the comforts of being a privileged kid from the upper middle class suburbs of Lower Moreland. As founder and CEO of Nerd Street Gamers, the pinnacle of Esports competitive gaming in the Philadelphia area, he has has taken steps to turn those who cannot physically compete into athletes. With a slew of successful companies in his past, he has paved the way for those looking to succeed their own way.
Ultimately, the path of the road less traveled. Grit, true grit, comes from strength and courage inside. It comes from perseverance. It comes from taking risk and breaking the mold. How many of us live in fear of failure or stepping outside the lines. Throughout our whole lives we are systematically trained to wait. To be patient, obedient, and wait in line. The question is, what are we waiting for? Our mental narrative consists of roadblocks and traumas, of preconceived notions and self proclaimed dispositions.
Growing up a relentless Philadelphia sports fan, John grew up wanting to be an athlete, yet pivoting his skills into Technology and entrepreneurship. Like many others who have been on Always Level Up, it’s sports and competition that taught him all about making his dreams come true. Through failure, came success, from losing, came victory. An athlete’s mindset is key to what makes any man or women a success story when looking back retrospectively.
Check out John Fazio’s Nerd Street Gamers and get involved in Esports today.
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