
In this weeks show Steel and I put the finishing touches on our ongoing series Rebuild & Retool! Where in previous shows we offered our opinions on who the Flyers should hire as a head coach, assistant coaches, possible free agent departures that should happen, as well as some trades we would like to see take place. All with the mindset of creating a much younger, faster, and more talented team to put out on the ice next season. 

So, keeping that vision in mind throughout this episode we took a look at one of my latest articles that presented two possible candidates who could not only do just that but serve as replacements for the antiquated duo of Chuck Fletcher and Brent Flahr. 

Then with a new outlook in place and these two great minds now at the helm to see it into fruition myself and Steel throw out a small list of free agents who these two men might look to replace the aging journeymen that Chuck brought in over the past couple seasons with.

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Sound interesting? Well just click the link provided below to see just how the Flyers organization could pull themselves out of mediocrity and return next season as a team who truly competitive