Hello and welcome back to another edition of The Hockey Writers Ink. Back fresh off vacation I’m ready to get right back into it as Steel and I rejoin forces to bring you all the latest news surrounding the Flyers.
In our first segment of the show, we cover just how all the latest moves are shaking out on the back end. As it stands now as I laid out in this article featured below the defenseman that the Flyers general manager Chuck Fletcher brought in this off season seem to be fitting in quite nicely. All bring a certain something that was lacking from the roster last season and each one brings some much-needed veteran leadership.
Next up in the show Steel has some questions he’s been saving up for me while I was gone on vacation regarding camp that he wants to get my observation on. Come watch as we both share our thoughts and views on all the current topics surrounding the Flyers and even preview my latest article in which I focus on the 3rd goalie.
If either Hart or Jones go down with injury this season just who will be called up into action. With Alex Lyon now gone, the Flyers now have three unproven goaltenders who not one of them have ever played a minute of regulation in an NHL regular or post season game before. This could be a problem.

So come watch (by clicking the link below) as the dynamic duo is back together once again bringing you all things Flyers.