Welcome back to another addition of the Hockey Writers Ink. In this episode Steel and I give our thoughts on the Flyers end of the season press conference in our first segment. Enough of the excuses were ready to see some changes! 

In the second segment of the show, we discuss yet another edition of my Flyers Mock Draft Series. Now into the thick of it we go over my suggestion for the Flyers 4th round selection. A defenseman.   https://flyersnittygritty.com/with-our-4th-round-pick-the-philadelphia-flyers-would-like-to-select-defenseman-ty-gallagher-from-the-usntdp/


Moving on we then go over one of my most popular articles to date. In this piece I suggested a 50-year-old UFA who is now one of the best coaches in the league. A familiar name in Rod Brind’Amour. When this piece was written there was some question on if he was to return to Carolina or not. I think he would have been the perfect fit for the orange and black.   

In the last segment of the show, we go over my latest piece on Nolan Patrick and if he should stay or go. This article made for quite the debate between my readers. Some of which who don’t want to give up on this 22-year-old just yet and some that wish to label him a bust. Regardless of what you think of him the Flyers will have a tough decision on what route to take for sure given his age and injury history. 

Any of these topics spark your fancy? Come give our show a view and leave a comment with your thoughts on any of the topics. We hope you enjoy the show!