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What a day, what a day, what a day. The Flyers are set to unveil their new President of Hockey Ops tomorrow, and all signs are pointing to former Flyer/Broadcaster Keith Jones as the new hire.


Jones comes with a plethora of contacts throughout the NHL, his old style hockey, and a wealth of Cap knowledge. Some forget or fail to realize that he represented himself as an agent of a new contract during his playing years.

The new hire in Jones will mainly be tasked with navigating the Cap, insights on trades/negotiating contracts, and building a successful team with prior knowledge/and or experience.

A full detailed report will be released tomorrow when the Flyers unveil the new hire in Jones.

1 thought on “The Flyers will unveil the new President of Hockey Ops tomorrow. All signs point to Keith Jones

  1. Well, another ex-Flyer. Anybody really surprised? Wait for it…Pronger, Lindros, Poulin, and anyone else wearing a Flyer uniform are all ‘fair game’ to bring absolutely NOTHING of value to the Front Office.

    In other words…business as usual. UGH.

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