Photo Credit: The Delaware Thunder
The Delaware Thunder currently find themselves in a pickle. President/Owner Charlie Pens Sr., held a press conference yesterday to explain the current situation the Thunder find themselves in.

Unfortunately, they do not have a home for next season, as their lease was revoked by the Delaware State Fair Grounds. Pens Sr. stated that it is one man, Bill Dimundi, withholding the Thunder from playing hockey in Harrington, DE next season, “How one man can effect the entire region,” Pens Sr, emphatically stated a few months
Pens Sr. continued, “The Thunder faithful…we’re confused, as to why we won’t be skating here next year and we are not getting any answers.”
That time has come for Pens Sr. and the Thunder to address the fans needs. After very thoughtful discussions and planning, the Thunder has decided to remain dormant for the 2023-24 season to focus on the planning of a new arena in the city of Dover, “We had looked at a possible temporary move, but decided to remain focused on the plans for a new facility in the great state of Delaware, and in particular, the City of Dover,” Delaware Thunder CEO and President Charles F Pens Sr said. “We are excited to build on the amazing fan base, corporate support, and energy we have here in Delaware. The City of Dover and the Mayor have been so welcoming, and so out of respect for this, we want to put all our efforts into this project.”

Here’s how to reach out if anyone would like more information on this: thedelawarethunder@gmail.com
The Thunder are planning on building a new arena in the City of Dover, but obviously that will take two-three years to build. Regardless of the fact, the only thing that remains is the Thunder are going to remain dormant for next season only as of now.
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