Photo Credit: Katelynn Reiss

Shocking to most, the NHL has officially postponed the Flyers/Carolina Hurricanes game that was scheduled for tonight:

What is perplexing is that the NHL postpones tonight’s game due to Covid affecting the Flyers. Well, it was affecting the Flyers last week, as well, when the Flyers hosted the Pittsburgh Penguins with six players in Covid Protocol. To make matters worse, Covid was also affecting their farm system in the Lehigh Valley Phantoms as they postponed their scheduled games all weekend, not to mention a slew of injuries at the same time. But hey, they played both games against the Pittsburgh Penguins and the San Jose Sharks.

So why postpone the game tonight? The NHL remains inconsistent on how they handle matters. For tonight’s game on paper the Flyers had four players in Covid Protocol: Claude Giroux, Justin Braun, Travis Konecny, and Ivan Provorov. Mike Yeo also indicated following practice that he expected one or more of Giroux, Konecny, or Provorov to test out of Covid Protocol, and be made available for tonight’s game.


Mind you I’m not complaining, I’m just searching for some consistency in how the NHL handles Covid matters, as it stands right now they are consistently inconsistent.

An Alex Lyon homecoming will have to wait another day, as the Flyers now have four games to make up due to postponements: New York Islanders, Pittsburgh Penguins, Washington Capitals, and now the Carolina Hurricanes.

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