September 19, 2024

Date Published: 11-16-2022

Photo Credit: Jerome Miron/USA TODAY Sports 

How many times can the Flyers find themselves behind the eight ball this season? Last night they erased two-two goal deficits, yes that was not a typo, it was two-two goal deficits, but this resilient bunch managed to earn a point in the standings with losing to the Columbus Blue Jackets 5-4 in overtime.

John Tortorella was very blunt during the game saying the Flyers “Suck”, towards the latter part of the first period.

“We suck. We haven’t forechecked, we haven’t done anything as of right now.” – John Tortorella assessing his team’s first period performance against the Columbus Blue Jackets on 11-15-2022

He alluded to bad forechecking and a lack of energy with getting behind 2-0 after the first period of play. They were beaten to every puck, they lacked energy, and lost every board battle imaginable. No one likes to hear they suck.


Tortorella must of let the Flyers up after the first intermission. This team was an entirely different team in the second period of play. Kevin Hayes scored, then Zack MacEwen threaded a beautiful pass to Noah Cates for a goal to tie the game at two. It appeared the wheels on the bus for falling off for Columbus until it was 3-2, then 4-2.

Nick Seeler has really stepped up, and deserves more praise. He comes down the ice in the third period and pots a big goal to bring the Flyers back within one again as he said “Let’s go” after he scored goal. It’s unbelievable this team continues to call their way back when they are beating him battered in games. They may not be the most talented team in the world, but one can appreciate the effort. Travis Konecny, finally got the Flyers off the schneide on the power play, is he tied the game up with a power play goal.

Unfortunately, the rest is history as Columbus won the game 5-4 in overtime, off a beautiful tic-tac-toe play. However, Tortorella was pleased with the effort and energy in the second and third periods, but he said they have to figure out how to start games in his post game press conference. He did call the Flyers a resilient bunch, and he was happy that they figured out the power play. He specifically stated, “We have to figure out how to start hockey games.”

Like he said in the post game press conference, they cannot continue to come out and play flat to start. They had much better energy, and were able to forecheck appropriately in the second and third period to earn a point. However, that’s not good enough in Tortorella’s eyes, and it shouldn’t be. Hopefully, this lights a fire underneath the orange and black, and they come out firing on all cylinders against the best team in hockey on Thursday night in the Boston Bruins.

Flyers Notes:

The Flyers have off today, and will be back at tomorrow night against the Boston Bruins

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