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This episode of Gettin Gritty Wit It is a little different than most. When we think about stats, analytics, and history there is one thing that holds it all together and that’s story telling. Most of context is lost at the surface level and with over one hundred years of hockey history behind us it’s easy to lose the narrative. The game has evolved immensely over time, with crazy rule changes, such as allowing the forward pass, having seven on seven games in a Pacific versus the NHL match, and dealing with World War II draft disruptions the game has been forced to evolve. With the recent disruption of COVID-19 this is a perfect time look back at history and see what other large events have happened throughout time to change the game. For instance, did you know that the Detroit Redwing’s played a game in a prison against and with the prisoners? Something we only thought happened in movies. Mike Commito has the story on

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On this episode of Gettin Gritty Wit It, I welcome Mike Commito onto the show. Mike is an a professor, an author, and also works as a writer for the Los Angeles Kings. Recently Mike released his second book and part two of Hockey 365. MIke’s book Hockey 365, The Second Period: More Daily Stories from the Ice is out October 26th and he comes on the Flyers Nitty Gritty network to give a bit of insight on what can be found in his second edition. Mike is extremely knowledgeable when it comes to hockey facts and is willing to share those stories on the podcast. Get a taste of hockey history, conversations from around the NHL, rule changes, and some Flyers talk as well.

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