
Photo Credit: (AP Photo/Derik Hamilton) 

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You wouldn’t think it by the way they’ve been playing consistently over the past 10 games, but the Philadelphia Flyers are one of the best teams in the NHL already. Currently, tied for 1st in the NHL in points, the Flyers have nailed the term “dirty, but good” as they crawl their way to the top of the East Division, they’ve done so uncharacteristically. It may not have been the textbook way of getting to the top, but considering the team lost their MVP right at the beginning of the season, the record could be worse. After 4 in a row, the Flyers appear to be pulling it all together and we believe it’s only going up from here.

On this episode of Gettin Gritty Wit It, I welcome new guest James Iacavone (@JimIkeHW) and returning guest Chris Maher (@_ChrisMaher) on the show to talk about the Flyers’ recent success. As you can tell, we’re all smiles.

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