Photo Credit: Colin Mullvany/The Spokesman-Review

The Flyers are in desperate need of a number one Center, and one of the easiest ways to accomplish this is draft one. Berkly Catton would more than fit this bill, as his potential is a top number one Center.

Catton makes difficult plays look easy. He loves to play with pace, which Head Coach John Tortorella would love. He’s not the most physical player, but he doesn’t shy away from physicality. Catton is an excellent penalty killer, and a power play specialist. He really does it all.

One thing the Flyers have craved is offensive creativity, and currently one of the only players on the roster that possesses this is Morgan Frost. Of course, the Flyers Power Play has been lackluster the past few seasons, as well, so Catton would help tremendously in this area.


The Flyers could always use goal scorers. Catton is a goal scorers dream, has he potted 54 goals last season. Moreover, Catton also registered 62 assists for a total of 116 points and 68 games played for the Spokane Chiefs in the WHL. He would instantly become one of the best Two-Way players on the Flyers roster.

His defensive prowess cannot be overlooked. Catton It appears really prides himself on being a solid two-way player, and that is one of the very many reasons. He’s an excellent penalty killer and he thrives in transition the other way short-handed.

Catton would be one heck of an addition to this young Flyers team. If he were selected by the orange and black, then he can head back to Spokane for the 2024-25 season. There really isn’t a reason to rush his development, as the Flyers are in the midst of a rebuild. He’s a very talented young man, and he will thrive with the Flyers at some point.

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