Flyers hockey is back, alive, and well. Fans have been chomping at the bit to hear who were the players that were at the Flyers Skate Zone when it opened today. Here are somethings you should know Flyers fans.

First, Phase 2 is voluntary, and they are small group workouts. There cannot be more than six players on the ice at once. What does this mean? Players do not have to leave their homes or home countries for that matter, if they are able to workout and possibly skate within their home area. I say this as per the NHL no club is allowed to release who attends these workouts. There are some sites that are click bait, and they would try to make a big deal if Nolan Patrick, for instance, isn’t on the ice. Rumors would start flying saying he’s still not healthy, if that is the case. Truthfully, the only person that knows how Patrick is feeling is Patrick himself. We have to understand that this is for the protection of the players.

Secondly, these work outs are not formal practices, and coaches are not able to be present in Phase 2. These work outs are to give players access to a rink to skate, and work out in the weight room. I have been asked on numerous occasions what time practice starts, and who do I expect to be on ice. In reality, it shouldn’t matter who is there, and how long they were there. Live your lives, do not worry or panic that you are missing something. This article isn’t meant to be a Debbie Downer, but I don’t I like to see Flyers fans worry, and get duped.

Lastly, have fun and enjoy that Flyers hockey is one step closer to returning. The media does not have access into the facilities in Phase 2, but I promise I will bring quality content throughout this process. This does not mean that hockey is 100% reconvening, but this does offer a lot of hope. For those wondering, Ivan Provorov, a work-horse will be the first one to arrive at the Skate Zone. I’m sure “Provy” was given keys to the Skate Zone like Jaromir Jagr did in 2011-12.

Let’s go Flyersss. Your Philadelphia Flyers will be Cup contenders when hockey reconvenes, and Phase 2 is one step closer to ensuring that it happens. Phase 2 is what it is, just small group workouts, Not Practices. Stay classy Flyers fans, let’s go Flyers duh-duh-da-da-duh.