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One of the rarest things to find at the NHL level is an elite right handed defenseman. The Philadelphia Flyers have made it a point to increase their odds by consistently adding defenseman who can play the right side and with the sudden departure of Matt Niskanen, their importance is even more critical.

The Flyers boast a talented pool of prospects that all have a good chance of playing pro hockey. The pinnacle of the group is, un-drafted youngster, Phil Myers who has already had NHL success and projects to be a long term top 4 solution. The next tier of Mark Friedman, Wyatte Wylie, and Ronald Attard all have pro upside, but their impact isn’t quite clear. However, with Friedman’s AHL success, Wylie’s Juniors production, and Attard’s NCAA effectiveness, these three all hold very nice value to an organization looking for the next top right side defenseman. Ginning and St. Ivany are both wildcards who have shown signs of potential pro careers, but also lack the development productivity to get truly excited about at this point. That could all change, but for now there is more to be proven on the ice.

Myers is the only one of the group that projects to be an elite defenseman, but the group as a hole has enough potential and upside to keep the Flyers comfortable for another year or two. As some of the names graduate, the Flyers will have to continue to add depth on the right side. Details like this can put things into perspective of how rarely it truly is to find a Phil Myers un-drafted and available. Flyers got lucky on that one.

1. Philippe Myers (Undrafted)
2. Mark Friedman (#86 – 2014)
3. Wyatte Wylie (#127 – 2018)
4. Ronald Attard (#72 – 2019)
5. Adam Ginning (#50 – 2018)
6. Jack St. Ivany (#112 – 2008)

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2 thoughts on “Flyers’ Young Guns Rankings: Right Defense (Part 5/6)

  1. We must scout in WJC team Finland”s right shot defender Ruben Rafkin really hard, and invite him to our prospect camp! And do the same thing to also surprisingly undrafted RHD Simon Kubicek of team Czech! And maybe we can find a hidden gem in one or even two RHD”s in a process, which our prospect pool lacks! So invite those two RHD”s to our prospect camp, and do so before WJC”s even begins, because if they play a great tournament, it will be much harder to get them to come, because other teams will want them too! So please Chuck do this, because we have nothing to lose, just gain!

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