Welp it’s that time again folks. Were back with another edition of: The Hockey Writers Ink! In this episode (one we like to call) The State of The Flyers we discuss two of my latest articles One of them being called just that The State of The Flyers. During this segment we discuss what the opening night lineup might look like now that the draft is over and free agency seems to have settled down. Then later on in our show we dive into the topic that my next article was on, titled: Flyers’ Camp Battles Set to Ensue which is going to be a series of upcoming articles to follow but in this episode we will focus on the centers. During this segment we debate who we think has the best chance at playing in the NHL next season and with Nolan Patrick’s health still an uncertainty as far as to when he will return who might just be able to make the opening night roster.  So sit back, relax and watch as two great hockey minds discuss all things Flyers!

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