February 23, 2025

Photo Credit: Katelynn Reiss

On Friday, April 1st, I had the chance to sit down with Joel Farabee and talk about his career along with a few other things. I took questions from Twitter, which will be featured in all three parts of this three-part story. I’m choosing to release the interview in three parts because Joel gave long and thoughtful answers to all of my (and your) questions. To all the Flyers fans reading this, we here at FNG would never be able to do this without you, you guys are really the best fans in hockey. Now, let’s get right into it.

Q: Do you think you could become part of the leadership group season, maybe get an “A” on your jersey?

A: Yeah, I mean, I’m not really sure. Not really something I’ve thought about. I think for me, just take it day-by-day, put the work in, and do stuff like that. If that comes around, then it does, but it’s not really something I’m thinking about.

Q: How did the Kadri fight go down? Was it something where you felt like you had to defend yourself?

A: Yeah, I mean, I think just in the moment I think it happened. If I remember right, I laid a pretty clean check I thought, but it was a pretty hard hit. Fairly late in the game. If someone hit me like that, I probably wouldn’t have liked it either. But, when you’re trying to skate up the ice and a guy’s grabbing you and asking if you wanna go, I think, for me, at that point, it wasn’t something I was gonna stray away from. He’s a pretty similar weight class as me, so heat of the moment, just kinda happened.

Q: Any good Netflix shows you’ve been watching recently?

A: Recently, I’ve been watching a lot of Criminal Minds. Is that it? Yeah, a couple friends from back home put me on that. It’s a great show when you’re not really too dialed into it, you can just throw it on and kinda tune in and out. That’s probably the only one, I’m actually looking for a new show. If you put on Twitter that I’m looking for a new show, have some people send me some. I’ve seen parts of that (Peaky Blinders), but I honestly never really got into that. 

Q: What’s been the most memorable part of your career thus far?

A: Ooh, that’s a good question. Honestly, I’d probably say G’s 1,000th game. That was actually really special. I’ve never seen the crowd in Philly like that. Being a part of a moment like that, it was really cool for me, and just to be able to witness that game was really special. 

Q: When is the album coming?

A: Yeah, the album’s been on hold for a few years now. But it’s a process. These things take time, so it’s coming. It’s coming.

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