
Photo Credit: Katelynn Reiss

On Friday, April 1st, I had the chance to sit down with Joel Farabee and talk about his career along with a few other things. I took questions from Twitter, which will be featured in all three parts of this three-part story. I’m choosing to release the interview in three parts because Joel gave long and thoughtful answers to all of my (and your) questions. To all the Flyers fans reading this, we here at FNG would never be able to do this without you, you guys are really the best fans in hockey. Now, let’s get right into it.

Q: Since the deadline, the staff has said they need young players to step into a leadership role, namely you and TK. What have you done or tried to do to become a leader on the team?

A: Yeah, for sure, I think just with G leaving and everything a lot of opportunities opened up for other guys. For myself, I’m still a young guy on this team but just trying to lead by example and coming to the rink with a smile on your face and just be ready to work is something that I’ve wanted to do. I think we have some really good vocal older guys on the team right now so just trying to learn from them. I think just at this point in the season [we’re] trying to build something for next year. I think if we come in with a good mindset next year, we’ll give ourselves a good chance. 

Q: How do you feel about Noah Cates wearing your old number?

A: Yeah, it’s actually great. I was talking to Laughts too, he wore it too. Great number. It’s pretty funny, just, having a guy wear your old number. It feels kind of a weird thing but I think he looks great in 49 and hope he sticks with it. 

Q: After you signed the extension on Flyers Daily with Jason Myrtetus, you said you were looking to buy a house back home. Have you had any luck doing that or do you think we could see a Joel Farabee guest appearance on house hunters this summer?

A: Hah! Yeah I don’t know, probably not home this year. I’ll try to get a place back home probably eventually. I think right now I’m looking in Philly so there’s a couple options I have but probably look into more of that this summer. 

Q: Do you have any pre-game rituals you’re willing to share or things you do in the tunnel with the boys?

A: Yeah, I mean, I think there’s handshakes, stuff like that that goes on. Not too super, superstitious. But I love to play soccer before the game, that’s a must for me. Usually just try to keep it pretty light. I’m not too dialed in before the game, I think once warmups happen it’s different. Before the game, I like to keep it pretty light. 

Q: Twitter did a lot of digging to be able to find this one. You made a comment on Instagram about having to Venmo Morgan Frost to be able to talk to him. How much do you have to Venmo Morgan Frost to be able to talk to him?

A: Yeah, his price is pretty high. He doesn’t like to answer my texts a lot of the times so I gotta get on him quite a bit. But he drives a hefty price just to send him a text.

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