The Flyers new management has finally separated the President and General Manager roles. Danny Briere was initially tabbed as the Interim General Manager, of course he is now the 10th General Manager in Flters history. Keith Jones won the job over a slew of other names like Eddie Olscyk, Doug Wilson, Ray Shero, Émilie Castonguay, Cammi Granato, and Dave Poulin.
Dan Hilferty, Valerie Camillo, Jones, Danny Briere, and John Tortorella will now spear head the Flyers rebuild. Fortunately, Jones comes with a plethora of contacts throughout the NHL, his old style hockey knowledge, and a wealth of Cap knowledge. Some forget or fail to realize that he represented himself as an agent of a new contract during his playing years

He had one unforgettable statement yesterday that resonates with how most Flyers fans feel, “I would just like to touch on something. Dan mentioned Mr. Snider’s name. This is Mr. Snider’s team. This is the Philadelphia Flyers. We’re going to work hard to honor that. To get out there for him. He did a lot for all of us, so we’re not going to lose sight of that. That’s one of the most important messages you can get from leaving here today.”
“I would just like to touch on something. Dan mentioned Mr. Snider’s name. This is Mr. Snider’s team. This is the Philadelphia Flyers. We’re going to work hard to honor that.” – Keith Jones on Ed Snider yesterday
Dan Hilferty shared a similar sentiment as Jones to prove he gets it, “I want to acknowledge our amazing, amazing past. I like to remind people what is past is prologue. I say that quote and I think of Ed and the entire Snider family. What Ed Snider Youth Hockey and Education has done has transformed the lives of so many.”
t has become clear that Comcast wanted someone who could hold the team accountable in a such a way, to include Briere and Tortorella if need be. Jones is an excellent communicator, and I can personally say this as I have had many conversations on the balcony at Flyers Training Camps. He never appears to make himself higher than others, and I think that rubbed the new Board of Governor of the Flyers Dan Hilferty the right way, “I think in terms of the President of Hockey Operations, that person, Keith, is the leader of the team,” Hilferty said. “So that would include all aspects of team building, setting a vision, as I said earlier, and also hiring or firing.”

To be in this position of power. One has to be stern and communicate effectively, and Jones does this well. In the end congratulations to Jones and Briere on their new ventures in hockey. Hopefully, they continue to right the ship for the orange and black, “I am promising you that we’re going to get it right together. This is not my team. This is our team. And I look forward to working with everybody, everyone that’s here. The Philadelphia Flyers are coming back. Thank you,” Jones said.
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The goal is to reinstall the meaning behind the word “Flyers”. This means a lot to John Tortorella, and he alluded to this yesterday, “And I want to make a point. I don’t want to speak out of turn, but I don’t get sometimes in this process when people start talking about Flyers, alumni, Jonesy, an ex-Flyer, Danny, an ex-Flyer, what has happened? Why do people think that they’re diseased? If you’re an ex-Flyer and you come from the organization that you shouldn’t be in this organization, that we need to look outside?.”
Tortorella continued to elaborate, “I’m not sure who said it here, but it’s the person you’re looking at. I’m proud that they are Flyers. I’m proud of these guys over here, and other alumni that care about this organization. That’s what thrills me the most. I think we have strong personalities and I think they care, and I don’t get some of the thinking out in this city. “Oh, it’s an ex-Flyer again, they’re doing it the same way”. God damn. It is so important to have that belief. I’m thrilled. I can’t wait to get to work and already starting to do it.”
How this will end is anyone’s guess, but let’s give these five people time to get it right. They should be afforded that, “Today is about the Philadelphia Flyers, and it’s about making this the toughest, loudest building in the NHL once again,” said Valerie Camillo. “Joining me on stage we have Coach John Tortorella, who is setting a new standard and new expectations on the ice for the Flyers, began great work doing that this past season.”
Let the “New Era of orange” begin.